Economic law

(competition, distribution, consumption)


Our Firm works with companies and their managers:

  • on the one hand to advise them in the application of regulations in the fields of competition, distribution, consumer law and prices,
  • on the other hand to help them avoid or resolve economic disputes,
  • and finally to assert or defend their rights before the courts and supervisory authorities in the event of a dispute.

Our main interventions in economic law:


    Drafting and negotiation of contracts and legal documents

    • Drafting of contracts (single agreements between suppliers and distributors, distribution contracts, supply contracts, concession contracts, consumer contracts)

    • Drafting of legal documents (advertising, product labelling, games, withdrawal forms)

    • Adapting the content of contracts and legal documents to economic, commercial and regulatory developments

    • Analysis of draft contracts or legal documents proposed by the company’s economic partners (suppliers, service providers, subcontractors, professional clients), advice and assistance in their negotiation and modification of their wording


      Consultations, auditing and legal structuring of companies’ projects and economic actions

      • Consultations on the legality of contracts, documents and economic actions of the company with regard to:
        • competition law (unfair competition, cartels, abuse of a dominant position, abusive commercial practices, resale at a loss, price fixing, refusal to sell).
        • law on prices and conditions of sale (display of prices, labelling, invoices, payment terms and deadlines).
        • consumer law (unfair terms, consumer information, unfair commercial practices).
        • law on advertising, promotions and sales methods (advertising messages, prospecting, discount sales, sales with bonuses, sales and liquidations, batch sales, games and lotteries, distance selling, canvassing and off-premises sales).
        • conformity and product safety law in cooperation with company experts and consultants (food and consumer goods).
      • Recommendation of corrective solutions or improvements.
      • Advice to managers in the structuring of their economic projects by integrating the possibilities and constraints of economic law into their consideration.
      HEADER competences


        Economic litigation and disputes

        Your lawyers
        in economic law

        Gérald POCHON



        +33 (0)4 77 33 12 06

        Amandine SAPT



        +33 (0)4 27 46 90 60

        Disponibilite et réactivité

        Availability and Responsiveness

        Proximité et prestations sur mesure

        Proximity and Tailor-made services 

        Rigueur et pragmatisme

        Rigour and Pragmatism

        Secret professionnel

        Professional secrecy

        Clarte des honoraires

        Clarity of fees