
The fees of LEX-PART AVOCATS are set in complete transparency with the client within the framework of a written fee agreement specific to a particular case (special fee agreement – SFA) or specific to a type of case (framework fee agreement – FFA).

The fee agreement will specify in particular the service entrusted (SFA) or the type of services entrusted by the client (FFA), as well as the method of determining the fees.

The main methods of determining fees :

Fees on a time spent basis:

The amount of fees will be equal to the number of hours devoted to working on the file(s), multiplied by the hourly rate(s) stipulated in the fee agreement.

Fixed fees:

The amount of fees will be that stipulated in the agreement for the defined service(s).

Result fees:

The result fee is calculated on the result stipulated in the agreement, e.g. a profit, a saving or a benefit for the client.

The result fee cannot be the only agreed fee; it can only be additional to a basic fee, for example a fee on a time-spent basis or fixed fee.

Disponibilite et réactivité

Availability and Responsiveness

Proximité et prestations sur mesure

Proximity and Tailor-made services 

Rigueur et pragmatisme

Rigour and Pragmatism

Secret professionnel

Professional secrecy

Clarte des honoraires

Clarity of fees