Legal notice

Publisher and owner of the website :


SELARL registered with the Saint-Etienne Trade and Companies Register under number 797 737 780 registered
with the Saint-Etienne and Lyon Bar
EU VAT No.: FR 5879773778000024
Registered office: 7 Place de l’Hôtel de ville Saint-Etienne 42000 FRANCE
Tel. : +33(0)4 77 33 12 06

Publication Director:

Gérald POCHON co-manager

Host :

SCALEWAY SAS registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 433 115 904
VAT No.: FR 35433115904

Registered office: 8, rue de la Ville L’Evêque 75008 PARIS – France

tel. : +33(0) 1 78 56 90 25

Disponibilite et réactivité

Availability and Responsiveness

Proximité et prestations sur mesure

Proximity and Tailor-made services 

Rigueur et pragmatisme

Rigour and Pragmatism

Secret professionnel

Professional secrecy

Clarte des honoraires

Clarity of fees